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1. Conduct research on the leadership and/or organizational structures, types, or styles among various types of K12 education organizations. Select only one for this assignment. You can select from private schools, local school districts, or for-profit online schools in the United States. In addition, you may choose an international school system (e.g., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East, or Latin America). You should describe the following, at a minimum:
a. Description of the leadership and or organizational structure
b. Strengths and criticisms of the styles and leadership and structure.
c. Typical leadership roles associated with the structure.
2. Write a 4- to 5-page paper in which you discuss your research findings. Refer to the rubric for specific requirements for this paper.
Presentation: Midterm Paper Due March 8
Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you will present key compon
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