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Writing the Article Review: https://sk-sagepub-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/books/conducting-child-custody-evaluations-from-basic-to-complex-issues/n1.xml
• Provide a synopsis of the article. Make sure to address these questions:
o What is this article specifically addressing?
o How does this article related to your selected topic?
o Did the article contain research? Provide a summary of the research that was discussed, as applicable.
o If applicable: What data was used? What instruments, if any, were used to collect data?
o If applicable: What were some of the conclusions, if any, to the research in this article?
• Your synopsis should end with a review and critique of your article. Make sure to address these questions:
o What references did the author use in this article?
o Was the article reliable and valid? Explain.
o Was this article well-written? Thoughtful and reflective?
o What were the limitations in this article? Any variables?
o What other thoughts or comments do you have related to this article?
Your finalized article review should be at least 5 pages in length.

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