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Find a current event (e.g., story from a television show, news report, or social media, etc.) related to one of the topics below.

· Mental health disorder (e.g., Autism, ADD/ADHD, Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, PTSD, Schizophrenia, etc.).

· Substance use disorder (e.g., alcohol, prescription medications, street drugs, etc.).

In your discussion post,

· Share the link to the current event at the top of your post

· Summarize the current event; include the wording used by the author to describe the mental or substance use disorder.

· Discuss the back story of the person(s) involved in the event (e.g., medical history, life-altering event, trauma, etc.) as described by the source.

· Discuss any social, physical, and/or psychological behaviors that are normally associated with the disorder described; include any unique life stressors (e.g., relationships, employment, housing, life event, etc.) that may have contributed to the event.

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