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Imagine that you are the owner and resident psychologist of a mental health facility that focuses on either treatment of eating disorder or substance use disorders. Design a trifold pamphlet, flyer, or brochure that focuses on one eating or substance use disorder. Choose either one of the following eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder OR one of the following substance use disorders: alcohol use disorder, cannabis use disorder, or opioid use disorder.

In effect, the pamphlet/flyer/brochure should be a resource for prospective clients that provides information and encourages early intervention and/or treatment strategies.

Incorporate the following components in your pamphlet/flyer/brochure:

Definition of the selected disorder.
Explain the rationale for implementing your behavior and/or treatment model.
How should the treatment/interventions be utilized?
Who is involved?
What is the focus of each level?
Are there available sources for obtaining additional resources? What are they?
Can your model be used to determine eligibility for other programs?
What makes your model effective?
What is the timeframe for implementation and treatment within your model?

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