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There are many disabilities that impede the learning process, including learning, physical, and/or speech disabilities. Review the video below to uncover how Brian discovered assistive technology to help him thrive academically, despite suffering from dyslexia.

Video link: https://youtu.be/JKrgxeXDtjk

For this assignment, develop a fictitious scenario of K12 student with a disability and discuss two different assistive technologies, including instructional software, that could be used for instructional support within a traditional learning environment.

In your discussion, please be sure to address each of the following:

· State a specific disability the student has (i.e. Kate, a 6th grader, has cerebral palsy.)

· Identify a specific area where instructional support is needed (i.e. Reading, Spelling, Writing, etc. Also, consider if the disability impacts multiple academic areas.)

· Identify two specific assistive technologies and provide an explanation for how they would be used to support instructional needs.


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