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This 5-page paper will require you to think critically and personality psychology. Based on the area of “BIG 5 TRAITS” in personality psychology that we talked about in class, explore what the research looks like across cultures. Your level of analysis can be very large (e.g., comparing collectivistic culture vs. individualist culture, or West vs. East), or smaller (e.g., across races, ethnicities, gender, religious groups). The key is that you are exploring the cultural dynamics within one sub-area of personality psychology. Keep in mind how interlocking systems of power – such as gender, race, class, and sexuality – may impact the research and findings. Make sure you’re using peer-reviewed journal articles.

This paper should be 5 pages and should contain the following sections:
– Title Page: This should be the first page of your document and should include a creative and appropriate title as well as your first and last name. This page will not count toward your total page count
– Main Document: Your main document should contain a clear and concise psychological argument about cultural impact on personality. A good thesis statement should be reducible to one sentence (e.g., “In this paper, I argue that the Big 5 does not accurately capture personality differences across religious sects.”). Your paper must also include a minimum of ten peer-reviewed academic articles to support your arguments.
– References: This section should be on a separate page after your main document and should be formatted in APA style. In it, you should include full citations for all of the works referenced in your paper. This page will not count toward your total page count.

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