Journal Entry
This unit, while observing your own communication patterns, or that of the people around you, try to find examples that reflect the following:
• How satisfied are you with your self-concept? How satisfied are you with your current level of self-esteem? How does this impact your communication with others?
• The Johari Window is a tool to help you understand who you are. Review the model page 56 and develop the model as it reflects your perception of your 4 selves.
• Do you have the need to be perfect, to be strong, to please others, to hurry, or to take on too many responsibilities? Discuss your self-destructive beliefs and how you can replace them with more positive ones.
• Provide an example of the ways men and women differ in their listening behaviors. DeVito offers some excellent material on listening, based on the reading, what are some of your own strengths and weaknesses? What can you do to improve your listening skills?
• How can you improve your listening behaviors on the job or in school? With a significant other? A parent? A child? A friend?
Each entry should be approximately 150-200 words.
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