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Disabilities that impede the learning process

            There are many disabilities that impede the learning process, including learning, physical, and/or speech disabilities. Review the video below to uncover how Brian discovered assistive technology to help him thrive academically, despite suffering from...

Analysing a documentary

Watch the documentary, A Place at the Table (2012). Compose your Original Response Post and include your response to the following. Write a description of three specific things that you found remarkable or interesting or didn’t know before watching the film, A...

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

The film depicts an epic clash between workers who fought for unionization and better working conditions, and bosses who fought equally hard to keep their factories free of unions and regulation. I’m already assuming that most people will side with the workers...

The automobile

In the 1950s the United States enjoyed a broad-based, unprecedented level of prosperity. Rising purchasing power, expanding credit, and a rapidly growing advertising industry stimulated consumerism. One industry that rapidly developed and expanded was the automobile...

The Civil Rights movement.

Throughout the 1950s African Americans in northern cities grew increasingly active in opposing discrimination and in protesting white resistance to black progress in housing, education, and employment. Martin Luther King and others embarked on a campaign of nonviolent...
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