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Opioid and Substance Abuse in Latin America

          Carla is a 26-year-old woman from Medellin, Colombia. She works as a server in a local restaurant. Her employer found her unresponsive in the restaurant’s staff room and took her to the local hospital. After she was revived with the opioid antagonist...

Implicit Association Tests

          Take one (gender, age, race, sexuality, disability, or weight) of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT) at the Harvard University website. Address the following: Examine how attitude is formed. Discuss how personal implicit biases can form understandings at a...


Sexism is manifested in magazines through the unrealistic portrayal of men and women. Men are often portrayed as “supermen” who are physically strong, brave, and powerful. Women, on the other hand, are portrayed as perpetually beautiful, perfectly shaped,...
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