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Cyberbullying is an increasingly consequential social problem, one that has compelled the interest of social psychologists. Social learning theory is instructive here. We know that people repeat behaviors that lead to rewarding outcomes. By asking what exactly is...

Great parenting styles

Explain the different types of great parenting styles explain alzheimers and dementia and some of the different treatment modalities being used medically( examples medications) and non medical-interventions (please provide outside academic support)- issues with memory...

Eating or substance use disorder.

Imagine that you are the owner and resident psychologist of a mental health facility that focuses on either treatment of eating disorder or substance use disorders. Design a trifold pamphlet, flyer, or brochure that focuses on one eating or substance use disorder....

Working with individuals experiencing a crisis.

Many legal and ethical issues can arise when counselors work with individuals experiencing a crisis. To become better prepared for such issues, crisis counselors must have a strong grasp on the laws and professional ethics applicable during crisis events and acquire a...
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