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School Group Counseling

          Prepare a substantive response to the following: How do you explain group rules or norms when working with different age groups, and populations, such as those with different cultural backgrounds? Provide an...

Kubler-Ross Discussion

          In Chapter 8, Kubler-Ross states, “The one thing that usually persists through all these stages is hope” (p. 134). In our Video Lectures, we talked about what hope might look like in some stages like denial and bargaining. For this discussion,...

The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View

King (2023) explained there are four key attitudes of scientific research including critical thinking, skepticism, objectivity, and curiosity. This first assignment will focus on the last attitude of curiosity. What are you curious about related to human behavior?...

Individual motivations

        Individual motivations can vary greatly from one person to another; therefore, inspiring and motivating a group of individuals can be difficult and is often thought of as needing a multifaceted approach. Management should provide clarity and communicate the...
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