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Psychological theories

          We have been looking at different psychological theories and the way we can use them to better examine social media. For this assignment, you should choose yourself or another person (such as a celebrity or a politician). Spend some time looking through...

Psychological theories

          We have been looking at different psychological theories and the way we can use them to better examine social media. For this assignment, you should choose yourself or another person (such as a celebrity or a politician). Spend some time looking through...

Defining “Politics” in American History

  How have historians tended to define “politics” over the course of American history? When and why have these definitions changed and varied?  What impact do these definitions have on how historians have approached and written about the nation’s...

Graft versus host disease and graft rejection

        An adult patient with a chronic myelogenous leukemia sits down with you to discuss his questions and concerns about his upcoming bone marrow transplant. He has already received some educational materials and participated in a family conference during which...
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