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Opioid and Substance Abuse in Latin America

Carla is a 26-year-old woman from Medellin, Colombia. She works as a server in a local restaurant. Her employer found her unresponsive in the restaurant’s staff room and took her to the local hospital. After she was revived with the opioid antagonist naloxone...

Suicide rates

      Why do you think suicide rates have increased so much in the past decade? What factors in today’s culture are making suicide rates so much more prevalent? Expand and explain. Give examples of what you think are warning signs of suicide. What should be done...

Aspects of disorders of pain

        Darlene, age 32 years, has been having back pain for a number of years, ever since suffering a compressed L2 disc as the result of a motor vehicle accident that led to surgery and extensive physiotherapy. Now she is missing time from work as a secretary...

Social-Emotional Learning

          Which interventions or actions could you use to influence the student to behave appropriately? Explain your choices. Which logical consequences would be appropriate? Which domains of Social-Emotional Learning could be utilized in your instruction to support...

Different goal orientations.

Motivation researchers have distinguished different types of goals as consequential for student behavior and learning in classrooms. What sorts of behaviors and attitudes distinguish students with mastery goals and students with performance goals? Researchers also...
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