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Mental or substance use disorder.

Find a current event (e.g., story from a television show, news report, or social media, etc.) related to one of the topics below. · Mental health disorder (e.g., Autism, ADD/ADHD, Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, PTSD, Schizophrenia, etc.). · Substance use disorder...

Mental health issue.

A Mental Health Concern – and the Patient or Community – for your project.A brief history of the patient including diagnoses and medications – or a brief description of the community issue.Any substance abuse, addiction or violence issues surrounding...

Humanistic-Existential and PTSD

Choose a social issue or research topic in psychology. Topic: Humanistic-Existential and PTSD Select two perspectives covered in the course and compare and contrast how these perspectives explain the social issue or research topic. The paper will include a title page,...
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