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Ethics of Moral Bio Enhancement

Imagine you are a therapist living in the not-so-distant future. A moral bioenhancement pill called Moralzac is currently in clinical trials to obtain FDA approval. You have already read about moral bioenhancement in peer-reviewed journals and are worried about the...

Eight-Step Model

Discuss your thoughts on the value or lack of value you perceive in the eight-step ethical decision-making model. Justify your opinion with examples or resources. Explain your understanding of supported and unsupported models used in making important decisions in...

Child psychologists

One common dilemma faced by child psychologists is determining who the “client” is. Given that children are typically brought to treatment by their parents, how would you handle a child who confides in you some illicit behavior and asks you not to tell his or her...

Generational Stress

Do people your age experience more stress than their parents or grandparents did when they were your age? What do you think? Discuss and offer specific evidence to support your belief.

Neurotransmission Discussion

Instructions: Select two of the following neurotransmitters: SerotoninNorepinephrineDopamineAcetylcholineGlutamateMelatoninHistamineGABAFor each neurotransmitter, please discuss the following: pharmacologic action, the drug class it is most closely linked to, expected...
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