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Post-Prevention Of Shock

Your patient is a 42-year-old female that arrives in the ED with complaints of fever and not feeling well. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy for bladder cancer. She has an indwelling urinary catheter with scant amount of dark, foul smelling urine. She has a...

Coping with a Disaster and traumatic Event

Please read the article ( https://emergency.cdc.gov/coping/index.asp) Provide a link to the website (in the reference) and the source citation Address the following:Why did you select this resource/site? Why do you find the subject/topic interesting?What is the one...

Normative & Descriptive Claims

          In this Module, you have learned the difference between normative claims and descriptive claims. This is an extremely important distinction to make, as we will rely on this distinction throughout the course. Before we move on to learning about and discussing...
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