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PYSCHIATRIC role play, play by play case study

        ROLE PLAY VIDEO, Select one case study and utilize attachments for guideline to assess a psych patient during an appointment. The purpose is to demonstrate use of therapeutic communication, self-awareness, empathy integrating information from class content....

Merton’s theory

In Merton’s theory, he discusses 5 modes of adaptation: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. Which mode or modes of adaptation have you used during your life? Do you believe you might have been more likely or less likely to commit a crime if...

The Pros and Cons of Having Children in Mid-Life

  What are the benefits & difficulties of having children in mid-life? Compare this to having children at a younger age. In other words, what are the benefits & difficulties of having children younger, in say early adulthood or adolescence? What are some of...
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