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Perceptions of Marketing

Compare the popular perception of marketing as advertising to the marketing practitioner’s organized method of approach. How does marketing reach beyond the concept of advertising to a greater role within organizations?

Customer service

Thinking about the field in which you work, is it culture bound? If so, what are the culturally learned definitions of reality, space and or time that imposes limits on your field? Does a paradigm limit the way in which people in your field see reality and the...

Developing A Marketing Strategy

Select an organization, analyze the market for the organization’s product/service, analyze the organization’s current marketing strategy, and justify recommendations for the marketing strategy to make the organization more effective. To assist you in planning for the...

The evolution of the securities markets

Discuss the evolution of the securities markets, including the impact of the NASDAQ, CME, ECNs, and foreign exchanges.Explain the role of securities markets in the efficient allocation of capital among issuers and investors based on the efficient market...
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