by Brian Leakey | Sep 24, 2023 | Marketing
You can join the discussion by responding in 75-100 words to the question noted below. You can pose your own analysis of the week’s topic, or share stories and experiences related to the week’s topic. Rather than simply answering the questions, add your own ideas,...
by essay_panther | Sep 23, 2023 | Marketing
Prompt: A product that a potential buyer knows about but is not actively seeking is called an unsought product. Is the marketing of unsought products unethical? • Discuss your answer in terms of the AMA Code of Ethics, found at
by essay_panther | Sep 23, 2023 | Marketing
How has the manufacturing industry evolved over the years, and what are some notable technological advancements that have transformed the sector?
by Brian Leakey | Sep 21, 2023 | Marketing
Pricing is one of the most interesting variables in marketing, because the seller can choose any price. I like to call it “magic” because if you can sell a car for $1 Million, and if you can convince the buyer that there is value at that price, you can...
by essay_panther | Sep 21, 2023 | Marketing
Sales managers typically have direct reports who are sales associates, and the sales associates need training to further the effectiveness of their communication skills when trying to make a sale. The type of communication may vary based on the industry. For...
by Brian Leakey | Sep 15, 2023 | Marketing
Write an essay between 800 and 1200 words (excluding references), consisting of three tasks: Read and summarize the following article:• Malkiel, B. G. (2012). The Efficient-Market Hypothesis and the Financial Crisis. In A. S. Blinder, A.W. Loh, and R. M. Solow (Eds.),...
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