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High-level types of distribution channels

There are two high-level types of distribution channels, direct and indirect. In the direct distribution channel, goods are moved directly from the Producer to the Consumer. In the indirect distribution channel, the producer will meet consumer demand through third...

Marketing Plan and Budgeting

write the 3–5 page marketing plan and sales strategy section of your business plan, in which you: Complete the company’s target market description you developed in the Week 3 Discussion based on the instructor’s feedback.• Be sure to include demographic,...

Branding influence sponsorship

          There are few business segments where sponsorship is more important than in sport management. Individuals, teams, and leagues count on revenue earned from sponsorships to fund yearly budgets, among other uses. Using articles related to branding and...

Marketing a new product

          Create a new product and provide how you would market the product. Provide information on how the product is superior to your competitions product. 1. Define and explain each of the following tools/concepts below. The strategic planning process S.W.O.T...
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