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Think like an offender.

For this Discussion, you will choose a case study and attempt to “think like an offender.” Consider where a person comes from and what experiences that person may have undergone. What drives a person to commit a crime?

Overcrowding in our jails and prisons

Overcrowding in our jails and prisons is a major problem that every jurisdiction is trying to address. Discuss the many modern day alternatives to incarceration and explain whether these are a potential solution to the overcrowding problem.

Overcrowding in our jails and prisons

Overcrowding in our jails and prisons is a major problem that every jurisdiction is trying to address. Discuss the many modern day alternatives to incarceration and explain whether these are a potential solution to the overcrowding problem.

Evaluation and Crime Prevention

            Discuss Evaluation and Crime Prevention, Physical Environment and Crime, Neighborhood Crime Prevention and summarize Points to Include: 1. Types of Evaluation 2. Theory and Measurement in Evaluation 3. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design 4....
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