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A PowerPoint presentation on the topic of murder.

          Prepare an 18-20-slide (not including the title and reference slides) PowerPoint presentation on the topic of murder. Explain the different forms of murder, including: first-degree murder, second-degree murder, abandoned heart, intent to cause grievous...

Crime Scene: Processing Evidence

You walk up to the crime scene. A dead body is lying on the bank of the river, just a few miles outside of the city. There is a bullet wound on the victim’s chest where it appears a bullet entered the body. There are a few bullets that have been found scattered near...

Defences to crime.

        The law recognizes certain defences to crime. In those cases, even when an individual has committed the guilty act (actus reus) of an offense, they are not guilty of the crime charged. Why shouldn’t those who commit the guilty act always be held...

Types of fraud.

            Watch this video and publish in the forum an example of each type of fraud usually committed when publishing a research paper. Then, write on a classmate’s post and add one more example for one of his types of fraud. DR. PANDA. (2018, 2 junio). Etica...
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