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Hearsay evidence

When is hearsay evidence admissible in court?For this question, you must search for an interpret information in a cybercrime case that dealt with admitting hearsay evidence in criminal or civil court. Provide a brief description of the case and discuss the role of...

When offenders are apprehended.

Discuss the sanctions which have been put into place and are imposed when offenders are apprehended.Discuss corporate fraud, embezzlement, and insider trading. Give an example of each.How involved should a private security guard be with the emergency services team of...

The Outlaw Motorcycle Gang

Why is the Outlaw Motorcycle Gang considered part of organized crime?Where is the headquarters of the Triad located? How is the Triad structured?Explain how the Gangster Disciples were formed. What is the current status of the Gangster Disciples?Explain the importance...

Criminogenic media

Discuss whether you feel that some types of media (films, books, electronic video games, for example) are more criminogenic than others or whether some content is more dangerous than other content.Discuss the differences between cultures that appear to have large...
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