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Forensic processes and techniques

In preparation for a court appearance, the federal law enforcement agency wants to ensure proper forensic processes and techniques are used in a computer crime case involving identify theft. When challenging the admissibility of the digital evidence, the defense...

High-tech crime

A university in the Washington, DC area would like to offer a high-tech crime class for the next school year and would like to contract your team to provide a course design for its implementation. Explain to the university (in a whitepaper) the characteristics of...

Cloud Services Analysis

        Determining a company’s cloud needs requires just as much planning and analysis as determining the needs of an in-house network. While a variety of cloud assessment and migration frameworks exist, most can be broken into five categories: gathering...

Cyber Security Plan

Research an organization and their Cyber Security Plan to analyze a set of security risks and determine the appropriate physical, technical, and administrative controls to protect against those risks and develop a disaster recovery plan.
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