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Tangers of a lack of oversight

Why does the Intelligence Community require special oversight not needed in other aspects of government? What do you feel are the greatest dangers of a lack of oversight? Could there be such a thing as too much oversight? Explain. Be sure to address such issues as the...


For this paper, you will choose a specific type of crime (such as identity theft, domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, etc.). You will then investigate (a) who are the victims of this crime, (b) how prevalent is this crime, (c) what are the causes of this...

Public morality.

There are some acts that are considered to be criminal in nature based on the likelihood of creating a disturbance to the peace or creating a public nuisance. Other acts are believed to infringe on public morality. Some examples of such acts include, but are not...

Criminal Behavior

          When clients have a history of criminal activity, in many circumstances counselors and therapists are bound to keep that history confidential. A client who reveals to a licensed psychologist that she robbed a liquor store last week, for example, probably has...

Computer forensic incident.

      Suppose you have recently responded to your first computer forensic incident. The case in question involves a potential underground hacking ring, which the police, working in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been investigating for...
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