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Boaz Ganor and Walter Laqueur, is she a terrorist?

    Research Aafia Siddiqui, her background, her arrest, and her prosecution. In your research for outside sources pay attention to the materials in addition to maps, etc., found on her person during her arrest in Afghanistan. Focus on whether she is a terrorist or...

What Are the Data Saying?

Demonstrate understanding of basic statistical tests by performing the appropriate test for the given project data below using SPSS and by reporting the analyzed results.  

Dayton Opioid Crisis analysis

    Watch the video Link- https://youtu.be/S9KRdqwQcdo in a 1-2 page reflective paper, answer the following questions: · Not every city in the nation has been impacted by the opioid crisis, but many have. What are the characteristics of Dayton that you feel...
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