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Personal PDSA Worksheet

1. You will be applying the PDSA to an identified personal situation or problem that needs improvement. This is very similar to the example in Lesson 2. 2. Download the required Week 2 PDSA Worksheet below. 3. Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last...

Think about violence as a social problem

Think about violence as a social problem. But what about violence as the solution to a social problem? Consider, for example, that the very successful gay rights movement started with multiple nights of street battles between police and clubgoers in New York City in...

Basic types of aquifers

  1. Briefly summarize the hydrologic cycle. List and define the three basic types of aquifers. Do a bit of research and name and tell the type of aquifer under where you live. 2. Write an article review on the “Focus On: The Bottled Water Boom” on page 273. Be sure...
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