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The Presidential Policy Directive

The Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) asks multiple federal agencies to work together with the Whole Community to improve national preparedness. It is aimed at “strengthening the security and resilience” of the United States through systemic...

They Called Us Enemy

After reading the graphic novel, They Called Us Enemy, answer the following questions using the same format and guidelines as the VOF writing assignments. You do not need to use anything but your book and maybe the Give Me Liberty textbook. I would recommend writing...

George Takei experience as a small child.

  George Takei experienced internment as a small child. How was his experience different from his parent’s experience? Do you think hearing his story, from a child’s perspective, rather than his parent’s, from an adult’s perspective, was more or less beneficial to the...

George Takei experience as a small child.

  George Takei experienced internment as a small child. How was his experience different from his parent’s experience? Do you think hearing his story, from a child’s perspective, rather than his parent’s, from an adult’s perspective, was more or less beneficial to the...

Characteristics that make human language unique

    What are the characteristics that make human language unique? The field has moved to understand how to model language production and understanding. What factors contribute or not to difficulties in the production and understanding of language

Characteristics that make human language unique

    What are the characteristics that make human language unique? The field has moved to understand how to model language production and understanding. What factors contribute or not to difficulties in the production and understanding of language
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