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Regression analysis

Think about an issue at work or in some other facet of your life in which a regression analysis is applicable to come up with a way to predict a particular quantitative outcome (the dependent) variable. Discuss this situation, describe the dependent and independent...

Policy Analysis

Organizational policy alignment and adherence to laws and regulations are critical for overall corporate compliance and to decrease organizational risks (patient falls, medication errors, cyber hacks and PHI data breaches, infection control, et cetera). In this...

Major Case Analysis

Address an issue or problem faced by your company of choice (CHATGPT Lawsuit) and will analyze it using the techniques taught in this course. (This assignment folder may be linked to Turnitin.) See rubic below. The write-up is limited to 12 double-spaced pages, not...

Cost-benefit analysis.

Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.Apply life cycle costing analysisCompare a capital budget to an operating budget.Explain the financing of capital budgets.Compare short-term and long-term investment strategies.Recommend three investment objectives for short-term...

Stakeholder Analysis

  Final Case Brief Framework/Outline How will you identify this case? What key nouns and actions words will grab attention? What is the source of information about this case? Publication title, author, and date; personal observation or communication. Case Overview“Big...

Queuing Networks

  An airline security checkpoint may be modeled as a system of two queueing networks, one for trays and the other for passengers. Let’s focus on the queue associated with the passengers. The passengers arrive at a rack of trays to hold items to be X-rayed, load...
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