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Find a news article that connects to below reading and video. The news article should be from a reputable news source and published within the last 5 years.
Include the name of the article, the author(s), the date the article was published, the publisher, and a
link to the article.
Billing, John C., and Findlay, Christopher. “Terrorism and the Secure Landscape.” Landscape Architecture,
vol. 76, no. 4, American Society of Landscape Architects, 1986, http://www.jstor.org/stable/44676511
(pages 58 – 63; 5 pages)

  1. Summarize the article.
  2. How does the article fit with the reading?
  3. How can we apply these concepts to the article?
  4. Did you learn something new?
  5. What is correct or wrong about this article?
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