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Identify yourself as a leader and follower to be effective as an individual and team contributor
Many well-known leaders wrote and continue to write in journals, reflecting on their actions and decisions in their leadership roles. These reflections allow leaders to revisit their choices and
learn how to improve their actions and decisions to become more effective leaders in the future.
Write a reflective paper describing your leadership style and skills. Reflect on what you have learned throughout the course, and think about how you can use this knowledge to further your
career. Use the results of your self-assessments, leadership map, and other course materials to guide your reflection. Begin your reflection with a single statement that concisely summarizes
your leadership style and approach. The statement should be one that you could later share on LinkedIn or your resume. You could also use it to guide your professional development.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Leadership Approach Leadership Approach Leadership Approach:
A. Leadership Skills Leadership Skills Leadership Skills: Describe your primary leadership skills and describe how these skills will help you effectively lead a team. Additionally, describe skills or attributes you would
like to develop and improve upon in order to become a better leader.


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