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Use the following website Link: http://www.who.int and others to review the most recent World Health
Statistics report to select a health related issue, disease, outbreak or syndrome that effects either the
skeletal, muscular, or nervous system in an areas of the world (other than the United States) . Next, find at
least one areas of the world (other than the United States) where the prevalence is low. After locating the
countries on a world map, briefly describe the location in relation to the United States (how would one get
there from Chicago and cost), research out the demographics, socio-economic, politics, and education to
understand why these differences may exist. In approximately 5 pages, report these findings and design a
cost-effective project which could be implemented to reduce this challenge. The project designed must
consider these three areas:
CULTURE: Develop and foster respect and care for cultures around the world
ENVIRONMENT: Develop and foster respect and care for the Earth’s ecological systems.
SOCIAL JUSTICE: Develop and foster respect and care for human and economic development that is
equitable and sustainable.
The Disease discussion should include the following:
 Causal Agent
o Identify the name and kingdom of the organism, or common taxonomy groups
o Characteristics about the organism which make it unique
o Means of infection (e.g. mucosal membrane, blood-borne, airborne, etc.)
o Target cells
 Epidemiology
o Discuss the morbidity/incidence/prevalence (how many people are infected annually,
how many living with the disease) and mortality (how many people die annually?)
 Transmission
o How does the disease spread?
o Pathogenesis – specific mechanisms in which the organism can evade the immune
system, adhere to human cells, resist treatments, etc. Genes? Toxins? How do they
 Clinical Features
o Incubation Period (if applicable)
o Signs
o Symptoms
o Disease Course – how long does the disease last? Do patients die? Do they resolve the
illness? How does the disease progress?
o Complications of the illness?
 Diagnosis
o Differential diagnoses? What other diseases might it look like?
o Blood Work? What lab tests, imaging tests, or specific tests are useful? Explain how
some of the tests work, especially obscure ones. Are you testing for antigens?
Antibodies? What results might you see?
o Any definitive tests?
 Treatment
o Do not put just “antibiotics” or “anti-fungals” – I would like you to write specific names
of typical treatments, also if you can find the dosages and course, too.
o Discuss the mechanism of action of the drug and tie it into how it is effective in treating
the infection. Are there any major side effects?
o If diet or rest is involved – be specific. How long should the rest period be? Any physical
limitations? Any specific type of nutrient or diet that is necessary or to be avoided?
 Prognosis – outcomes of the disease (cured, fatal, palliative, and chronic?)
 Control Measures
o Preventative measures to protect individuals from contracting the infection or spreading
the disease
o Vaccines?
 Conclusion/Summary/Future Implications/Interesting Facts
o Is the disease on the rise? Is it slowly being eradicated?
o Is drug resistance a problem?
o Any other interesting new research in the field?
o This is the section where you tie up loose ends and make a conclusion about the disease.
Summarize your paper briefly and close.

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