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Developing an accurate cost estimate is difficult, according to the PMBOK® Guide. Project managers frequently use two of the cost-estimating techniques,
analogous estimating (top-down) and bottom-up estimating. For this discussion, evaluate these two techniques in terms of your project management plan
and respond to the following:
Which budgeting strategy, top down or bottom up, will you use for your project?
Why did you select this strategy?
ClayDesk E-Learning. (2020). PMBOK chapter 7: Project cost management [Video] | Transcriipt. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6gapwo_Z5A
ClayDesk E-Learning. (2020). PMBOK chapter 6: Project schedule management [Video] | Transcriipt. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?


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