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(Articles attatched) Instruction: Schlesinger (1967)and Leffler (1996)have both offered an explanation of the origins of the Cold War. However, their perspectives differ from each other. In this assignment, you are required to synthesise these two views in relation to each other, by means of a comparison. Include the following elements in your assignment: A clarification of the added value of a comparison of these two perspectives, in the introduction of the assignment. A systematic comparison between both authors and how they understand and explain the historical phenomenon of the Cold War. Make sure to identify a common theme or angle that guides the comparison: what is it you are trying to understand exactly? What (conceptual) elements do you need to break this down into? It might be helpful to go back to Mair (article) and consider the hot air balloon metaphor: how can you move up on the ladder of abstraction and compare these empirical observations? A conclusion that includes an argument on how the authors relate to one another (e.g., are they opposites or would you argue that the two perspectives build on one another?).



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