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create a PowerPoint presentation in which you will be looking at historical, current, and forecasted measures of the unemployment rate, inflation rate, and labor force participation rate for the United States as a whole. You must utilize the Notes or Audio Narration feature of PowerPoint to explain each slide in detail. Please address the following in your presentation. Provide a minimum of a 3-year history of the following:

unemployment rate in the United States,
inflation rate in the United States, and
labor force participation rate in the United States.
Indicate how these historical measures impacted your selected industry. Provide a current evaluation of the status of the following:

unemployment rate in the United States,
inflation rate in the United States, and
labor force participation rate in the United States.
Indicate how the current status of these economic indicators are impacting your selected industry. Provide a forecast (projecting at least 3 years into the future) of the following:

unemployment rate in the United States,
inflation rate in the United States, and
labor force participation rate in the United States.
Indicate how the forecast of these economic indicators will impact your selected industry if the forecast is correct. Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 15 slides in length (including the title slide and reference slide). Please present your content using the following format.


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