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Assignment -Trauma Informed Clinical Assessment and Case Conceptualization

A sound and ethical practice includes the use of the clinical case conceptualization and case consultation process. Students will watch a movie where a character experiences a traumatic event and will formulate a comprehensive, clinical assessment and conceptualization. Students should create a 3-6 page trauma informed clinical assessment and case conceptualization, addressing each of the following items. Professional sources should support

Give a brief history of your client’s presenting concerns and your concerns. How was the client referred to your program?
Describe what is known about the client’s trauma experiences. How was trauma assessed (or not)? If there isn’t specific information regarding trauma, discuss whether and why a trauma framework makes sense for this client.
Identify the trauma or PTSD symptoms the character(s) endorse and if there was a single, complex or developmental trauma. If there are no current symptoms, discuss what experiences could lead to trauma symptoms.
Identify strengths and protective factors the character(s) has.
Describe the client’s adaptations to trauma using a trauma-informed approach.
Discuss your approach to treatment and working effectively with the client. In which phase would you expect to begin, or have you begun treatment?
Describe the treatment relationship. What are some of the relationship dynamics? What is helpful, and what gets in the way of being empathic with this client? What obstacles does the client or client’s situation bring to bear?
Discuss vicarious traumatization. How will working with this client affect you?
Which aspects of this case are most challenging?
How can consultation with peers/ colleagues and your respective supervisor support your work in this case? Identify three and list three topics and/or questions that you would want to seek clinical consultation from your supervisor and clinical team to support working effectively with the client. Provide rationale for why the three identified topics and/or questions would be important to seek clinical consultation for.

Movies to watch include but are not limited to Precious, Hillbilly Elegy, Honey Boy, Joker, Crash, Saving Private Ryan, Monster, Boys Don’t Cry, Girl Interrupted, Moonlight, Wild, Fearless, Perks of Being a WallFlower



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