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Review this week’s Learning Resources on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Reflect on your motives for enrolling at Walden and consider how your motives might change as you progress in your studies. Identify intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that will keep you motivated to complete your degree.
Review the resources on culture and motivation. Think about how culture affects motivation.
Identify, based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, any D-needs and B-needs that could be motivating your behavior to achieve a graduate degree. Determine whether culture plays a role in your motivation to complete your degree.
Post a response to the following:

Describe motivational factors that led you to enroll at Walden and that keep you enrolled. Then explain how these motivational factors might change as you progress from your first days at Walden to your first or second year. Finally, identify at least one intrinsic and one extrinsic motivation that could help keep you motivated to complete your degree. Be sure to address what role culture plays in your motivation to complete your degree.

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