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What is the specific relationship between the gut microbiome and psoriasis severity in a sample of 100 adults between 30-40 yrs of age over 12mth period
Research Proposal Project
In which students develop their own research proposal of a unit of
research interest within the allied health sector. Preferably within
the Aesthetics domain.
The research proposal should:
• Indicate a literature review with 2 studies on the unit of the
research proposal
• Describe the nature of the proposed research, including the
design and methodology
• Describe the research hypothesis
• Identify the research approach
• Describe the methods of data collection and analysis
• Identify any potential ethical or ‘political’ difficulties
associated with the research.
Word length 2,000 words, inclusive of in-text citations. A minimum of 15 in APA 7th Edition, please include all in-text references




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