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Explore and evaluate Texas county governments. Let’s learn
what counties do, what form of government they have, and who represents you at the
county level. There are numerous county officials that we elect. You will learn who
represents you in the offices of county sheriff, county tax collector, district attorney, and
county clerk. In addition, you will learn who represents you on the Commissioners
Court. Of all the positions we elect in the county, you will determine which one you
believe to be the most significant. You will need to research the county in which you
live. It is again time to see what you think.
You may want to first explore the optional documents below to help with your
research. Once you have done the research, answer the following topics within your
The Questions:
1. In which county do you live? Who serves on the Commissioners Court in your
county? Who represents you on the Commissioners Court?
2. In your own words, explain the duties of the commissioners court, the county
tax collector, the county clerk, the district attorney, and the county sheriff.
Who holds each position in your county?
3. Of all the county officials you have researched and identified, which one do
you believe to be the most significant and why?

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