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Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Pre-assessments can often provide critical data to guide your instructional content and strategies. With assistance from your mentor teacher, select three students from your field experience classroom who would benefit from an additional intervention strategy in the area of reading or math.

Based on recommendations from your mentor, select one state content area standard and create a pre-assessment that reflects the knowledge and skills needed to meet that standard. As an example, the assessment could be simple letter identification or asking questions about a book the students read to determine their understanding of the characters.

Implement the pre-assessment and analyze the results to determine the current performance level of each student. This information will be used to create and implement an intervention in the next topic’s field experience.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

As the deliverable for this Clinical Field Experience assignment, you will complete the following summary and reflection:

Write a 250-500 word summary of your pre-assessment activity, and the results from the implementation. Explain how this information will inform your future instructional planning for these students. Describe how you would communicate the assessment data and any intervention with families in order to support student achievement.

In 250-500 words, reflect on the importance of the pre-assessment process and analyzing the pre-assessment results to determine future instructional choices that would be appropriate for the students assessed. In addition, discuss the ethical use of data and how to make appropriate accommodations to assessments and instruction based on compiled data.

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