Cherry Jones owns a homeopathic medicine company called Faithhealers.
She sells vitamins and other relatively nonperishable products for those who
want choices regarding alternative medicine. Cherry is developing a new
system that would require her staff to be retrained.
a) Construct a PERT diagram for her and identify the critical path.
(20 points)
Description Task Must Follow Time
Interview Executives A None 6
Interview staff in orders fulfillment B None 3
Design input prototype C B 2
Design output pro-type D A,C 3
Write use cases E A,C 4
Record staff reactions to prototypes F D 2
Develop system G E,F 5
Write up training manual H B,G 3
Train staff working in order fulfillment I H 2
b) If Cherry could find away to save time on the “write use cases” phase, how would it help? (30 points)
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