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Imagine you were going to conduct a research study on a mental health topic. Provide responses to the following. Your total responses need to be no more than 1-page.
What do you what to investigate?
What do you want to know?
What do you predict about what you want to know?
What type of study do you want to conduct? Experimental (involves a intervention to show cause and effect – something you do in order to get a effect) or Correlation (examines several variables to show a relationship – something you observe)
How many participants will you have in your study?
What is their…gender, age, ethnicity, SES (socio-economic status), education level, geographic location, other, etc.
How will you group your participants (1 group, 2 or more groups, individual case study) and the how long will you conduct your study (1 week, 1 month, 1 semester, 6 –months, 1 year, etc.)
If you do an experiment, describe how you would carry it out
How will you get your information from your participants? Interviews, phone call, e-mail, etc.
Summarize what you expect to find from conducting your research and how this can help the community.

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