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For this media economic outlook assessment, view the website Broadcasting and Cable (https://www.nexttv.com/broadcasting-cable) while reviewing one article to critique from a media economic perspective. You only have to choose one article, but you can review more than one if you’d like.

This website provides great insight and perspective into the different media strategies and trends that are occurring today within the industry, especially economically.

Some of the questions and aspects to keep in mind while taking part in this assignment can be:


∙ What specific topic (s) did your article address within media economics today on the website?

∙ After viewing the website, what were some of the common topics that were addressed?

∙ What engaged/interested you the most about the media economic topic? Do these media strategies and trends impact you directly as a consumer/viewer?

∙ Do you agree/disagree with the topic that’s being addressed in today’s media and economics? What are your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing? How about from an economic perspective?

∙ What’s the credibility of the writer/journalist in relation to the article topic within media economics today?

∙ After reading your article, what’s the relevance in relation to the specific media topic within economics in today’s industry?

∙ After reading your article, what’s your assessment of this topic in today’s media economics? What did you learn that you didn’t know before in relation to media economics and the industry?

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