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As an experienced HR consultant, you decide it’s best to collate your responses to their queries. You decide to send a memo with some model leadership behaviors expected during change implementation. You will also emphasize that the leadership team needs to own the change management plan and the role of HR is that of a facilitator rather than a leader of change.

Write a memo to the company leadership. In your memo, emphasize the need for model leadership behavior, especially during crisis or times of significant change. Also, emphasize that the role of HR is that of a change facilitator, as opposed to a change leader.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

Describe the need for model leadership behavior during times of organizational change.
What are model leadership behaviors that should be encouraged across the organization at any time?
How should leaders inspire the workforce to cultivate an environment that encourages knowledge sharing?
Explain how leaders should coach and mentor employees as the workforce transitions through change.
How is a change leader different from a stakeholder of change?
How can change leaders coach and mentor the workforce to deal with change?
Describe the role of HR as a facilitator of change.
How correct is it to expect HR to lead rather than facilitate change?
How exactly is a change facilitator different from a change leader?

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