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Develop a hypothetical business case report for additional nursing care funding

W​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​rite a hypothetical business case for additional nursing care funding for one of the following: 1. A service adaptation Or 2. A new service or innovation The Following Report Structure and Subheadings to be included: Executive Summary 1. Background & Context 2. Business Case Solution 3. Financial Plans 4. Implementation & Evaluation Plans 5. Critical Reflection 6. Reference List 7. Appendices (not included in the word count) Learning Outcomes 1.Appraise the principles of health economics and their relevance to resource allocation in health and social care organisations and other agencies 2 Evaluate a rationale for a hypothetical business case for additional nursing care funding relating to their own field of nursing, applying knowledge of finance, resources and safe staffing levels 3 Critically reflect upon own leadership, management and team working skills in relation to the demands of professional practice in their own field of nursing Please note in preparation of your business case report you should not carry out any primary research or audits in practice. This report should be written in the passive voice. Keep your idea simple and ensure there are lots of resources/ references available, so your work is evidence based. It also helps if you choose something you are interested in doing. You will need to demonstrate critical appraisal throughout your assignment not just the evaluation / reflection so relevant evidence and literature to support your statements is crucial. You should provide a well-structured academically written piece of work. To be successful in this assessment you are required to use the following report structure and subheadings: (Suggested word count for each section as a guide) Executive Summary (A Succinct Overview) of the business case (200 words) This should grab the reader’s attention and give a clear, general overview of the report. Remember to include references. 1.0 Background & Context (450 words) (LO1) Critically discuss and analyse the rationale for your business case idea, what happens now /who and what are the drivers, how does the idea link to health care policy and local/national strategic priorities. It can be useful to demonstrate your problem-solving strategy by using a service improvement tool e.g., fishbone analysis. Ensure you evidence your rationale including all policy, drivers, guidance, definitions and tools accurately. 2.0The Business Case Solution (450 words) (LO1, LO2) Tell the reader your “business case idea”. Critically discuss the main advantages and limitations of your business case. 3.0 Financial Planning (450 words) (LO1, LO2) How much will the business idea cost and how much will it save. Identify costs and ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​what resources are required, people, equipment etc. Are stakeholders needed and what value do they bring? Ensure you include: 3.1 Pump Priming –How much funding required is required upfront 3.2 Ongoing costs- How much funding is required to continue e.g., staffing, equipment, IT costs 3.3 Potential Returns/savings This section requires you to appraise principles of health economics and their relevance to resource allocation in health and social care organisations and other agencies. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the financial implications for your business case. If you are unable to gather the exact costings you need to explain how you would obtain these. 4.0 Implementation & Evaluation Plans (450 words) (LO1, LO2) This section needs to include a timeline about taking the idea forward and if you have used a pilot study approach. Ensure you explain and evidence why or why not a pilot was used such as financial implications. Include critical discussions of how it will be monitored, how the outcomes will be measured and challenges / barriers, especially linked to resource allocation and stakeholder demands. You could also use a model E.g., Plan, do study Act, (PDSA) or a GANTT chart. Who is needed to evaluate and why? Why is evaluation important? It is crucial you evidence your work so use references to support these discussions. 5.0 Critically reflect upon your own leadership, management and team working skills in relation to the demands of professional practice. (500 words) (LO3) You can write in the first person for this section and use a model of reflection of your choice or not one at all. Ensure you consider your nursing training overall and critically reflect on your own leadership style and skills, management skills and team working with reference to leadership theory, the NMC Code and relevant policy / guidance. This will include awareness of challenges and how these reflections will influence your practice going forward. Ensure relevant definitions and theories are presented and accurately referenced. 6.0 Reference List – (Not included in wordage) These are crucial to support your in-text statements / references so ensure your references are accurate and you follow the recommended referencing guidance which you will find in the module KLE 7.0 Appendix – (Not included in wordage) These are optional and should match and support the in-text signposting of your appendices. Ensure you use a separate sheet for each one. Examples include: • Service delivery tool such as a Fishbone Analysis • Financial planning for pump priming / upfront costs, ongoing costs and potential returns • Tables that demonstrate resources required and costings • Quality Service Improve​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ment Tools e.g., PDSA

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