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Complete a literature review on the history of special education and the current special education process. Include a 2 page critique of the history and current process of special education and inclusion of students with disabilities. Be sure to use literature to support your statements (at least 8 citations from academic journals/sources). Your paper should be 6-8 pages in total length without title and reference pages. When citing the literature, please remember to follow APA style. Be sure to answer the following questions in your paper:

Section 1: Minimum 2 pages and 4 references
-What is the history of special education?
-How has litigation and legislation affected special education?
-What are some of the current and future issues in special education? (Hint: Overrepresentation of students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds, education and transition of infant and toddlers, roles of the general education teachers, etc.)

Section 2: Minimum 2 pages and 4 references
-How are students with disabilities identified?
-What is the pre-referral and referral process?
-How do students become eligible for special education services?
-How is an exceptional student’s education program developed?
– Conclude your paper with a 2 page critique.

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