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For this assignment you will create a three to four page research study proposal. This means you are just proposing what you are might research and are not actually doing any research. You will be utilizing the information on research found in Chapter 1 (more specifically 1.8.-1.11). Your paper will include your formulated theory, a literature review, a testable hypothesis, an outline of what type of research method you will use, and what you will do to insure ethical research and address the four ethical principles found in section 1.7 of our textbook. Your research method can be descriptive, correlational, or experimental (see Figure 1.18). You will then outline more specially what your research will look based on the model you choose.

You will refer to the Five Steps in the Scientific Method found on page 26 of your textbook. You do not need to discuss how you will analyze the data or how the results will be shared (steps 4 and 5 of the Scientific Method).

First you will choose a subject that fits within one of the themes of the Chapters in our textbook:

4 – Development Across the Lifespan

10- Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

11- Health and Well-being

12- Social Psychology

13- Self and Personality

This APA formatted paper should cover:

Introduction to the proposed study
What is your theory that you are looking to research? Step 1.
What is your testable hypothesis? Step 2.
Provide background research on what is already known? A literature reviewActions and include at least one reference to the textbook and two additional external references.
How will your research help society?
What type of research will you do? Part of Step 3.
Explain what it will look like. For example if you are doing an experimental study be sure to identify your independent and dependent variables. Or, if you are doing a case study be sure to identify and explain the population and focus of the study.
How will you address the four ethical principles (found in section 1.7 page 23-24 of textbook)
Be sure to include a list of references at the end of your paper.

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