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In this course, you learned about the reasons behind the founding of the original colonies and the subsequent expansion across the North American continent of what was to become the United States. A major influence was Manifest Destiny. For this assignment, you must write a 1,750 – 2,00-word paper which explores how the concept of Manifest Destiny shaped the early expansion of the United States in North America and its later influence on relations between the United States and other nations.
Use these guiding questions to plan your essay:
• In the early years of the colonies how did the colonists use an idea similar to Manifest Destiny to support their colonization of lands belonging to other groups?
• In the 1800s how did Manifest Destiny play a role in the expansion of control of

the United States across the continent? And, what type of response did this elicit from the current occupants of the territories? Provide 2 -3 examples.
• In the 19th and 20th centuries how did this belief in Manifest Destiny influence American involvement in regional and global geopolitics? Provide 2 – 3 examples.
• And finally, what role, if any, does Manifest Destiny play in how the United States deals with other nations and conflicts today?

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