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Chapter 14 – Body Composition: Calculating and Evaluating Your BMI and Percent Body Fat
1. Calculate your BMI (see the formula on page 524 or watch this 2 minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCsZsFt7Pwg&list=RDQM4jNnPRVmB_4&start_radio=1)
Show the calculation here:
2. On the table below place a check mark in front of the correct categorization for your BMI (see table 14.6 on page 525)
Healthy Weight
Severely Obese
3. Use the Calculation Corner on page 526 to estimate your percent body fat.
Show your calculation here:

4. On the table below place a check mark in front of the correct categorization for your body composition (see table 14.4 on page 520).
Essential Fat
Desirable Fat for Good Health
5. Consider your BMI and percent body fat estimation, ALONG WITH your distribution of body fat, waist circumference, and any family history of chronic diseases related to diet. If you have an increased risk of mortality related to high or low BMI and body fat or the other relevant factors, explain what diseases are related to your increased risk (pages 538-539).



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