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Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
Apply leadership skills and technology to engage in collaborative practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to advocate for appropriate services, resources, and supports to achieve goals and foster positive change.
Related Assignment Criterion:
Apply a social media tool to develop, support, and sustain a local community initiative.
Promote community well-being through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
Advocate for the identified issue.
Analyze how collaborative involvement promotes success.
Apply leadership behaviors by engaging in reflective and professional practices that address and advance social, economic, and environmental justice issues.
Related Assignment Criterion:
Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice.

2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.


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